Topic: Mocking Frameworks
Presenter: Daniel Beus
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Time: 6:30:00 PM -
Everyone knows they should test their code, but it can be a pain to try to create test versions of all your dependencies. Having to rewrite much of your code just to have test versions is time consuming and problematic. Mocking frameworks to the rescue!
Mocking frameworks allow developers to easily and quickly create test objects that can fulfill dependencies on the tested class or function. These test objects "mock" the production objects and can easily be configured to behave just like the real things. This means testing your code can be a much more productive experience, and you can be more confident that the tests are acting like the real world code would.
However, which of the may libraries should you use? This month we will explore the most commonly used libraries to decide which may be suitable for your particular application. This assumes that each attendee will have at least some knowledge of test driven development, but there will be a quick review to catch up those that have no prior experience with TDD.
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