Meeting Info

Topic: Source Generators in C#

Presenter: Phil Gilmore

Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020

Time: 6:30:00 PM -


We recently covered the new features coming in DotNet 5.  This month, we take a closer look at Source Generators, a powerful extension to Roslyn Analyzers.  Source Generators let us output new code at compile-time based on analysis of the existing code base.  We can use them to improve many systems that use reflection, IL weaving or post-build events.  We've done some very cool things with them already and can't wait to see what other people do with them.  Don't miss it!

 A Zoom link will be provided shortly before the meeting starts.

About the presenter:

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Mindfire Technology

872 West Heritage Park Blvd Suite 200, Layton UT 84041

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