Topic: Micro Services
Presenter: Nate Zaugg
Date: Thursday, July 13, 2017
Time: 6:30:00 PM -
Location: Simmons Building @ DATC
Introduction to Microservices:People have gone crazy about Microservices in the past couple of years! With the rise of PaaS / the "Cloud", our goal has been to write software that scales appropriately with demand. Microservices holds the key to scalability, but only if they are done correctly. Learn about the tenants of Microservices and how to architect an enterprise system.
About the presenter:
I have been programming since I was around 5. I absolutely loved having the computer do exactly as I told it. My computer didn't work very well either so I'd have to write a game before I could play it, and when the power shut off, I'd have to write the game again to play it again.
I alway knew I wanted to be a software engineer, so I tried to do all I could in High School including taking the AP computers class and lettering in Computer Science (possibly the only one to have ever done that before). I got my first professional job when I was 15 writing computerized testing and distance learning programs for Salt Lake Community College. While seeking a degree at Weber State University in Computer Science, I worked for their Student Affairs IT staff as a software engineer. I wrote many apps that are still in use today including web apps for note keeping, student body voting, nontrad daycare, equipment rental, tutor scheduling, and more. I also lead the transition among our team from ASP to ASP.NET.
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